We chat with many clients about the crux of getting across your message and making it stick. It’s a challenge, not always easy and is the subject of may “brainstorms” and “power meetings” across the world. What to do, what to say, how to look, how to be different. It’s mulled over times many on a daily basis by marketing teams, marketing agencies, business owners large and small.
Cast your mind back to the last time you took a seat on a plane, focussed on your holiday and contemplated what the days ahead hold. No more office for a week or two, no deluge of email on a daily basis just sun, sand and …..sangria, whatever.
The last thing you need at this stage is to witness the cabin staff going through the motions with the standard safety chat you’ve seen a hundred times and never been interested once (as pretty as the stewardess may be!). So what about this approach from Thomson Airways and their junior cabin crew. Memorable without question!
Thank you for giving this your full attention – Enjoy your flight!
If memorable is your idea for your Brand, then why not fly with Redesign.