Design for Marketing
Design is one thing and all too often the trap of thinking a great logo will sell the product or service can be easy to fall into. The design needs galvanising with the correct message, USP, strapline, benefits etc. You’ve heard all the speak.
Weaving the design into the marketing message can be a tricky endeavour and requires thought and consideration. It’s about getting the message out about an organisation, product or service. Basically the pieces have to maintain a consistent identity across a whole range to communicate a cohesive message aimed at a prospective customer.
This can affect a range of mediums tied to the brand such as websites, signage, brochures, flyers, magazine advertisements and promotional items. The REdesign marketing team have a wealth of experience dealing with these ensuring you communicate the right message to your target audience.
Print Design
Print is a medium that has to work hard to get it’s message across. The audience has to stay on the page long enough for the visual to do it’s job.
Often challenging, it may be the case that you only have one page to achieve this such as an advertisement in a magazine.
Lots of factors may come into play such as the paper, the layout, the copy and the graphics.
This is a physical product and the level of quality will be perceived when it’s in someones hands. You want that someone to buy.
Formatting for print requires knowledge when it is to be done well. Bleed, trim, safety area, size, colour. Fancy industry speak but there for a reason and looks a bugger when someone gets it wrong! More importantly it wastes money and costs customers.