So to help out the local community, we’ve had 2 girls come in for work experience this week to see what working in a Graphic Design Studio is all about. Melanie and Emily are both considering Graphic Design as a degree course after finishing their A-Levels, but wanted to experience a day in a studio to see what it’s like. We always like to help out young folk, as it can be daunting deciding what to do in life, so we gladly helped them out, despite the fact we’re flat out work-wise at the moment. This is unlike some other Doncaster studios they contacted (we deliver the best work in Doncaster, and are the nicest studio in Doncaster. Fact).
They really enjoyed their time with us (despite mine and Neils comedy double act with the witty one liners) and Liam is quite passionate about helping young people as to quote him “they don’t teach you owt at college”, so they found the experience worthwhile.
That’s all for now folks, check out the testimonial that will soon be on the main site from Mel and Emily, and if any other budding designers have any questions, get in touch at
On a vaguely related subject (a dodgy shoe-horned effort about something I like!) as it is the school holidays, millions of kids will be out playing football. So, folks, see here below the greatest football ever made: The Adidas Tango used at the World Cup in Spain, 1982. Rejoice!
Ciao for now!