It was a landmark day for Jacqui on Sunday as we took delivery of 6 new chickens (4 Warrens and 2 Buff Orpingtons)! For years she has pined to be the keeper of chickens, a desire that has seen the kitchen “chez Spruce” become a shrine with oodles of chicken paraphernalia.
From egg cups to door stops, mugs, tea cosy, calendars and much more we have now moved onto the real thing. A lovingly crafted home from a mere shed and facilities that Jamie Oliver would be proud of! We’ve had numerous comments on that “chicken shack” so I’m rightly proud!
Here they are in all their glory as they got settled in on Sunday afternoon (we sat and watched them for an hour, very therapeutic!!). Near trauma later in the day as two had gone missing at “lights out” time. Cursed all the cats and foxes in the neighbourhood until we saw them both 10ft high in the willow tree!
They’ve had their wings suitably clipped now and should remain grounded. Mother Hen Jacqui has a new lease of life and is besotted. Names to come when we can tell them apart. Watch this space!